Our Work

At DISHIVE, our work often operates behind the scenes, but the results speak for themselves. We are committed to making a tangible and positive difference in society, championing innovation every step of the way.


Years of






Consultancy on the Action Against Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants in Nigeria

Since 2020, Devatop International Services(DISHIVE) has been actively engaged in consulting for the Action Against Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants in Nigeria, a project funded by the European Union and implemented by International and Ibero-American Foundation for Public Policy(FIIAPP). This vital consultancy work involves collaborating with organizations and stakeholders to combat human trafficking and the smuggling of migrants in Nigeria. It demonstrates DISHIVE's dedication to addressing pressing social issues and contributing to the welfare and safety of vulnerable populations.


Students Enhancement Project (SEP)

The Students Enhancement Project(SEP), initiated in 2017, underscores DISHive's commitment to enhancing the educational experiences of students. This program encompasses a range of activities and interventions designed to empower students with essential skills, knowledge, and resources to excel academically and holistically.


Devatop Centre for Africa Development

In 2013, the CEO of DISHive, Joseph Osuigwe started an anti-human trafficking community project, and in 2016 this was registered as incorporated trustee. This center serves as a hub for various development programs and projects aimed at addressing critical societal issues in Africa, such as human trafficking, gender-based violence, child abuse and other related abuses.


Read2Win Initiative

The Read2Win Initiative, launched in 2015, represents a significant commitment by DISHIVE to promote literacy and education among youth. This initiative offers a platform for young learners to engage with educational content while also giving them the opportunity to earn rewards, fostering a culture of reading and learning.